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ContiSportContact 5P

Continental ContiSportContact 5P

The ContiSportContact 5P is designed for both sports vehicles and light trucks. The tires can be used with a wide variety of vehicles due to its diverse range of features.

Price From

AED 587.94 to AED 1,163.69

Fully fitted price - includes VAT, delivery, fitting, balancing and disposal of your old tyres.

Description & features for Continental ContiSportContact 5P

The ContiSportContact 5P is a breed of tires, which cater to the needs of both light SUVs and trucks as well as sports category vehicles. Despite any weather conditions, the tires deliver a consistent performance and cornering stability for superior handling. With its customized tire treads and rolling resistance, the ContiSportContact 5P saves up on fuel consumption and noise produced during drives.

Ratings & Reviews

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reviews of the Continental ContiSportContact 5P

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All Sizes available for Continental ContiSportContact 5P

  • Size
  • Vahicle Type
  • Year
  • EU Tyre Label
  • UTQG
  • Fully Fitted Price
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