Who Will Manufacture the Apple Car? Potential Candidates to Watch

Feb 12, 2021 Car Service & Repair Blog PitStopArabia

We all know Apple. So, there’s no point in introducing the company. What we need to focus on is its latest project called ‘Titan’. Most of you would have probably heard about it. If not, then know that the Titan is a code name for an Apple car currently undergoing research and development. While the company hasn't publicly talked about the project, information suggests that nearly 5,000 employees are working on it.

It has already brought renowned people from other automobile brands such as Tesla. The latest information suggests that Apple will not be manufacturing the car. Instead, it will only supply the hardware and software components. This means that there are many potential candidates to manufacture the first Apple car or ‘iCar’. Let's look at the likely manufacturers.

Potential Candidates for Manufacturing Apple’s Car

Here is the list of potential candidates for Apple iCar.


One of the most prominent contenders for this task is Nissan. Although the recent controversy regarding the manufacturer is gaining traction, it is still a contender. The reason is that Nissan has access to considerable resources due to its partnership with the French Renault. The Renault–Nissan–Mitsubishi Alliance brings with its not just resources but technology. The three are already developing electric vehicles, which is another reason Apple may consider them to work together to develop a smart Apple car.


A new name in the automobile market is Stellantis. Many of you might be unaware of it for several reasons. The primary reason is that the company did not exist before 16th January 2021. You might be wondering why Apple would consider a newly formed company? The reason is that Stellantis is a result of a merger between Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and Groupe PSA. The two are reliable names in the automobile world. Plus, with the merger, Apple will have access to enough capacity for its car's wide-scale launch. The CEO of Stellantis mentioned in a press conference last month that the company is open to working with Apple or any other brand.

Volkswagen Group

We cannot rule out the possibility of the Volkswagen Group taking on the responsibility of developing Apple’s car. While it might be slower to develop electric vehicles, it is certainly catching up. With such a vast network of brands and manufacturing setups, Apple will indeed be tempted to engage with the Volkswagen Group.


What many people do not realize is that the Hyundai Motor Group owns Kia. There were reports that Apple had selected Hyundai to develop the iCar, but that's not the case. Hyundai recently rejected the rumours. There are plenty of reasons to choose Hyundai, and one is its production capacity. Hyundai is the third-largest vehicle manufacturer in terms of production volume. Hence, if Apple is eyeing a worldwide release, Hyundai surely provides a good option.


Very few people would have heard this name before. The reason is that the company only manufacturers auto parts. But that’s no longer true. Over the years, it has started to develop complete cars for brands such as BMW and Jaguar. With the company based in Canada, Apple would certainly be tempted to try a company in the neighbourhood instead of one in Europe or Asia.


Everything we have heard so far is based on rumours and people with insider information. Nevertheless, we have heard very little from Apple itself. In the end, Apple might decide to manufacture the car itself. The reason? Tesla! Elon Musk has shown how profitable the automobile sector can be if all the cards are played right. Taking a cue from Tesla, Apple might decide to do the same.


Wrap Up

Nothing is final until the company itself gives a statement. All we can do is wait till 2024 because that’s when the brand is supposedly going to introduce the project to the public. Until then, it is all conjecture and nothing more. There are even reports that Apple might ask the Foxconn Technology Group to manufacture the car. Why? Because Foxconn is making inroads in the automobile sector. With such a close working relationship between the two, there is a high probability that Apple will prefer Foxconn over others.

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