How to Reduce a Car’s Carbon Footprint?

Jul 14, 2021 Car Service & Repair Blog PitStopArabia

Unfortunately, our planet is heading for disaster. If we are to prevent it, we need to tackle climate change on a war’s footing. Most people think that it is the job of governments and businesses to deal with climate change. But that is not the case. It is the responsibility of every individual worldwide to play their role. The purpose of this blog post is to discuss how car owners can fight climate change.

What is Climate Change?

It is the change in the average conditions of our planet. For instance, our planet is warming up at a much higher pace than before. As a result, glaciers are melting, increase the water level in seas. In turn, this affects the coastal and low-lying areas. 

Climate change has even affected the rain patterns. All of this has to do with human activities. Our industries release harmful gases into the air while polluting the water sources. While much is being done to reduce the detrimental effect of human activities, we still have a lot more to do. Now that you know that what climate change is, let us focus on our main topic.

How to Reduce a Car’s Carbon Footprint?

Automobiles contribute considerably to climate change. It is why the world is trying to move towards electric vehicles. Internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles use fossil fuels to power themselves. We all know how oil and diesel are harmful to the environment. Apart from the use of fossil fuels, ICE vehicles release harmful chemicals into the air. It leads to low-quality air and an increase in temperature.

This is why nations worldwide are urging their citizens to shift to electric vehicles (EVs). However, currently, they are unaffordable for many. But that does not mean that you can’t play a role in fighting climate change. Below, we will list points that ICE vehicle owners can use to reduce their car’s carbon footprint. Let us start.

No Aggressive Driving

If you drive aggressively, meaning that you like to accelerate and brake suddenly or drive beyond the speed limit, you consume too much fuel. If you are consuming too much fuel, it means higher consumption of fossil fuels, and we all know how dangerous they are to our planet. Aggressive driving even wears out the various parts a lot sooner. As not each car component is recyclable, you are adding to the waste. So, drive smoothly to improve fuel consumption and avoid early replacement of car parts.

Do Not Overload

Overloading one’s automobile is illegal in the UAE and nearly every other country. This increases the risk of an accident and causing damage to the tyres, suspension, engine, and other components. 

On top of it all, overloading means that the vehicle needs to exert more energy to roll along the surface. Therefore, avoid overloading to improve fuel consumption and increase the durability of various components.

Get Fuel-Efficient Tyres

Tyres are not entirely recyclable nor biodegradable. Most of them end up in landfill sites where they occupy too much space and leak toxic materials into the groundwater. We recommend that you opt for fuel-efficient tyres. They are much more durable and consume less fuel because of their low-rolling resistance. 

Moreover, the downside to such tyres is that you will need to compromise on performance. If you cannot do so, we recommend that you improve the tyres' durability. Please read this article to know more about it.

Correct Tire Pressure

Maintaining the correct tire pressure is an effective way to reduce the carbon footprint. When tires are incorrectly inflated, the engine needs to work harder to move the vehicle. In other words, it consumes more fuel. 

It is a well-known fact that incorrect tyre pressure increases the risk of a tyre blowout. So, always maintain the air pressure at the recommended level to avoid issues and reduce your carbon footprint. To make this happen please read our article on how a tyre pressure monitoring system can help you avoid this problem.

Avoid Short Trips

If the distance is walkable, avoid taking the car as short trips increase fuel consumption and reduce the battery’s life.

Periodic Car Maintenance

Regular maintenance helps increase the durability of each component and improve car performance. For example, timely change of the engine oil will improve performance and reduce emissions.


Wrap Up

This wraps our article. We request all car owners to start being responsible citizens and play their role in fighting climate change. If we do not play our role, we will lose this fight. Thank You.

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