Everything you Need to Know About Tread Void

Oct 25, 2019 Car Tyres Tips & Tricks PitStopArabia

Have you ever wondered what makes the tires so strong and durable that they can carry the weight of a whole vehicle and then the people in it? Have you ever wondered what makes the tyres able to make your car move on roads that are wet and extremely slippery? Well, if you are here today, the chances are that you have wondered about all these things.

Now you want to know about the components of tyres and what makes them withstand all the weather, road conditions and the weight. You see, two of the essential components of a tyre are tread and traction. These two things are specifically designed to enhance the performance of tyres, especially in extreme weather conditions.

Today, the focus of our topic is "tread void" because this is the one word that people come across often when they talk or hear about tyres.

What Is Tread Void?

PitStopArabia will make it simple for you! Tread void is the one element that helps the tyres in gripping the road when it is wet. Not only this, in fact, tread void also helps the tyres with resilience and responsive handling. If you look at a tyre, you will see that there are tread blocks on it that are raised. Now, the gaps of space between these tread blocks are referred to as tread void.

With the help of these gaps, your tyres become a little flexible, and these gaps are the reason why the tyres can bend and work per the road conditions. They also help in keeping all the water and the snow away from the actual tyre under (preventing hydroplaning).

All Tyres Do Not Have the Same Tread Void

You probably think that all the tyres come with the same space and depth of gaps, right? Well, guess what? It is not true because not all sizes fit all the tyres. Here is the thing! Tyres that come with less tread void, they have better traction on dry roads but less traction on wet roads than the tyres with deeper grooves.

The exciting thing is that racing tyres are the only ones that come with zero tread void. This helps these cars speed up and drive effortlessly on the track. At the same time, tyres with zero tread are not feasible for everyday driving. Or in simpler words, for changing temperatures and changing road conditions, you need to opt for tyres that do come with a tread void.

Be Careful with the Tread Void

It is an undeniable fact that each tyre comes with a lifespan. Now when you drive on those tyres for thousands of miles, they will start wearing, and over time they will become unsafe for you and your family. Now what you must do, take your tyres for a regular professional check-up.

Also, make sure to keep an eye on the tread void and look for uneven bumps and deformations. There are small rocks, sharp-edged glass and other such debris that can make its way up in the tread void and then damage the tyre. Look for such debris and make sure to get rid of it on time.


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