Roadstone Tire Review - PitStopArabia

Jun 18, 2020 Car Tyres Tips & Tricks PitStopArabia

The tire industry is growing each year. However, the coronavirus and the subsequent lockdown may negatively impact the tire industry. The extent of the impact is not clear and remains to be seen as of yet. But we can see that the automobile industry is suffering due to the fall in demand.

Despite the impact, the tire industry is introducing new tires for the benefit of consumers. With so many tire brands, it becomes difficult to keep up with the continuous innovation and release of new products. One such brand that is heavily investing in innovation is Roadstone.

Roadstone Tires

Many people might be unfamiliar with this brand. But rest assured that is a reliable and well-established brand. It is a sub-brand of Nexen Tire, a South Korean based tire manufacturer. It is quickly capturing the market share when it comes to tires. Heavy investment in Research & Development distinguishes the brand from the competition. Today, Roadstone Tires is available in more than 100 countries, a sign of its significant growth.

But this article is not about the brand or its history. It is about reviewing its various products. Therefore, now the focus will shift towards its products.

Roadstone & Types of Tyres

The brand is not focusing on a specific niche. Instead, it manufactures tires for a wide variety of vehicles and surfaces. For instance, you will find premium quality tires for standard passenger vehicles and SUVs. Likewise, one can easily find Roadstone branded tires for driving in winter or off-road.

Passenger Vehicles

Let us review the top 2 Roadstone tire for a standard passenger vehicle.


Designed for use on passenger vehicles, the N5000 offers superior dry surface performance and handling. What sets it apart from other similar competitor tires is the fact that you will get the same performance and handling on wet surfaces as well. These tires feature Roadstone’s noise reduction technology, thereby, improving the overall comfortability. However, these aspects are not responsible for their popularity. Instead, it is the fuel efficiency and durability that people love. The tires offer considerable fuel savings due to the low rolling resistance. The special construction also improves its durability.

NFera SU1

Another famous tire in this range is the NFera SU1. In many ways, it is similar to N5000. One of the discernible differences is that the NFera SU1 offers better handling & performance on all types of differences. The fuel efficiency is in many ways like the N5000. But the NFera SU1 has a shorter lifespan than the N5000. Therefore, you might find yourself buying new tires a lot sooner than you would have expected.


Roadstone manufactures specialized tires for SUVs keeping in mind their special needs.

NFera RU5

The NFera RU5 is superior on the road and off it as well. The overall construction allows for smooth driving on city roads, and superior grip in deserts & mountains. What makes these tires stand out is the fact that they produce minimal noise. Hence, it allows you to enjoy a comfortable drive. If you love driving off the road as much as on-road, the NFera RU5 is the perfect choice.

Roadian HTX RH5

The roadstone Roadian HTX RH5 is constructed to be robust but without compromising on the comfortability and performance. The result is that you get a tire that is extremely durable and offers excellent grip on all types of surfaces. However, one thing we do not like about is the low fuel efficiency. But it must be kept in mind that SUV tires are not designed to offer maximized fuel efficiency.


Final Thoughts

This concludes our article today. If you are thinking about buying new tires, we would recommend trying out Roadstone Tires. Their products are in many ways superior to their competitors and the prices are also budget-friendly. You can get premium performance at a fraction of the cost.

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