Easy Ways to Remove Pet Hair from Car

Jan 25, 2021 Find Everything Car Spa PitStopArabia

Bringing our pet cat or dog along on a drive is common worldwide. There's nothing wrong with it even though many would disagree. They become a part of your family. In Dubai and the rest of the UAE, people are even seen driving around with their pet lions and other extended cat family members. Whatever the pet, they all shed hair. In many cases, the hair gets stuck onto the seats and other parts of the vehicle. While you might be comfortable with it, pet hair is dangerous. How?

Dangers Associated with Pet Hair

Many people are allergic to animals like dogs and cats. Therefore, if they come into contact with their hair, they can get the same allergic reaction. Apart from this, the pets might be carrying a disease which can spread through their hair. Lastly, excessive pet hair inside the car or even in the home is construed as a sign of dirtiness. Therefore, one must remove the pet hair right away to avoid any health-related complications.

Removing Pet Hair

There are numerous ways through which one can remove pet hair. They are discussed below:

Vacuum Cleaner

The easiest way to get rid of pet hair from the vehicle is through a vacuum cleaner. There are a lot of vacuums available for automobiles. Our recommendation is to opt for a handheld vacuum. It is inexpensive and can get the job done a lot quicker and effectively than others. Apart from this, it can reach the hard to reach places, especially underneath the seats.

Rubber Glove

Do not underestimate the rubber glove. Like the vacuum cleaner, it is another viable, cost-friendly option. You can get a rubber glove from just about anywhere. You might find one in the kitchen as people wear them while washing the dishes.

Velcro Curler

What is a Velcro curler? Well, Google it or ask any female in your household because they would surely have one with them. Roll the curler along with the seat or flooring. You can witness for yourself how effective it is at getting the job done.


Buy yourself packing tape or just about any type. Roll the sticky part along the area with the hair, and they will start sticking onto the tape. Although it is quick and effective, you will need to buy a new tape repeatedly. Therefore, in PitStopArabia’s opinion, the best option is a vacuum cleaner.


Again, this can be easily found in the kitchen. However, do not use that one for removing pet hair. Instead, buy a new one solely for pet hair. Move the squeegee along the area, and it will start catching the hair. As it is reusable, it is quite an effective option.


Wrap Up

Pets are like family and do not let anyone tell you otherwise. But they are different from us and cannot clean themselves. Therefore, as owners, you have to keep the house and automobile clean. You can invest in a pet seat cover to prevent the hair from getting onto the seats. Thank You.

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