Types of Stinky Car Smells and How To Remove These

Jan 28, 2021 Find Everything Car Spa PitStopArabia

In one of the previous articles, we discussed how to remove cigarette smell from the car. We received an overwhelming response from our readers and customers. Many of them reached out to us to ask how to remove other familiar smells. Keeping this in mind, we have decided to do another discussion on eliminating odour from the vehicle's inside. Unlike before, the blog post is not confined to cigarette smell alone.

Common Smells in a Vehicle

Apart from the cigarette, numerous other smells are commonly found inside vehicles. They are discussed below.


If you have a habit of regularly eating inside your car, it becomes evident sooner or later. How? While eating, one can easily spill food particles on the seats, flooring, and other areas. Over time, they start to give a foul smell.

Air Freshener

Imagine that you brought a new air freshener. As soon as you sprayed it, the whole family started feeling nauseous as they do not like the smell. Now, will you ask them to get out of the car or remove the odour? The latter option seems the most plausible.

Car Sickness

If you have kids or pets riding with you, they can get car sickness. As a result, they might vomit. Now, vomit smell is the last thing anyone would want in their car. But the reality is that many children or even pets do vomit in the car.


Consider that you left the window open while it was raining. As a result, you have a soaked seat or flooring. That’s not the worst thing. How? When the inside of a car gets wet, it gives off a very pungent smell which needs to be fixed right away.

Removing these Smells

Well, whatever the smell, there are numerous ways to remove it. They are discussed below.

Open Windows & Doors

Undoubtedly, the easiest and quickest way to get rid of any smell is by opening the windows and doors. Once fresh breeze finds its way to the inside of the car, the smell will be gone right away. However, make sure that you do it in a secure place. Open windows and doors are an invitation to thieves and other criminal elements. PitStopArabia does not take any responsibility for damages incurred as a result of this method.


There are three types of vacuum cleaners: dry, wet, and one which offers both functions. If the smell is mildew, you can use a wet vacuum cleaner to dry out the car. Afterwards, you can open the windows and doors to get rid of the remaining smell.

How to Remove Vomit Smell?

Using our powers of foresightedness, we know that many people will ask us about removing vomit smell. It is why we are going to discuss the issue here. Get vinegar, water, and a bowl. Now, mix one-part water and vinegar in the bowl. Apply the solution to the affected area and start scrubbing. You might have to repeat the process a few times for the best results.


Final Thoughts

This concludes our article. If you observe that the smell is still not going away, you can opt for a detailed cleaning service from us. Our workers will give your car’s interior and exterior a thorough clean up, ensuring that the car smells good as new.

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