How Much Car Polishing Cost in UAE | Car Polishing Prices in Dubai

Jan 13, 2021 Find Everything Car Spa PitStopArabia


There are numerous ways through which you can improve a vehicle’s physical appearance. We have discussed them in detail before in multiple blog posts. For instance, one way to protect the car's paint and make it shinier is waxing. It is precisely why we discussed ‘How to Wax a Car and How Often Should You Wax your Car’ in the previous article.

Let us do a quick recap. We considered the different types of wax – liquid, paste, and spray. Afterwards, we addressed the main topic. The decision to wax your car must not be based on a whim. Instead, it is a systematic process which considers factors like the weather, the car’s age, and the type of wax previously used.

For example, if you have not applied wax on the vehicle for a long time, the best time to do it is before the start of summer and winter months. The reason is that extreme heat is extremely stressful on the paint. In the case of winter, snow and melting salt are equally damaging for the paint. Hence, one should apply wax before these seasons.

Likewise, we talked about ‘POPULAR CAR PAINT PROTECTION OPTIONS & TYPES’ in another article. One choice is to opt for ceramic coating or paint sealants. Talking about paint protection options, car owners in Dubai have another choice – polish. However, polishing is not purely a paint protection item.

Polishing vs Waxing

Polishing simply removes the defects from a vehicle's paint coat. On the other hand, waxing and sealants protect that coat. Therefore, while one removes any issues within the paint, the other one offers preventive protection. Nevertheless, people need to know the importance of polishing.

Benefits of Car Polishing

There are numerous benefits associated with car polishing:

Removes Scratches

If your vehicle has minor scratches, a professional with the right tools and skills can make them go away through polishing. If you are doing it yourself, keep a light hand. Otherwise, if you polish too much, the paint might be ruined.

Gets Rid of Spots

If there are any hard to remove spots on the exterior, a thorough polish can make them go away. Keep in mind that a polishing product will only hide the spots and not remove them as they are not designed for such purposes.

Adds Shine

Do you prefer a shiny and glossy look? Ever wondered how others get it? Well, the answer is that they might have gotten the car polished, waxed, or ceramic coating. Hence, if you want a shinier car, you can opt for polishing or any other options.

Corrects Paint Defects

If there are any uneven patches in the paint or any other issues, a good polishing can help you get rid of them.

Now, back to our original topic.

How Much Does Car Polishing Cost in Dubai?

There is no hard and fast rule regarding the price. Typically, the price ranges anywhere between AED 300 to AED 600. You might be wondering why is there such a big price difference? Well, we are going to answer that.

Factors Determining Car Polishing Cost in Dubai

  • Garage

Certain garages offer a more comprehensive experience to the customer or are based in high rent areas. Naturally, they charge more as compared to workshops that have less to offer to the customer.

  • Type of Vehicle

Depending on the vehicle type and condition, a garage might charge more or less for their polishing efforts. Naturally, a newer vehicle would require very little polish, whereas an older one would need a lot.

  • Products Used

Garages have the luxury of using different products while polishing a vehicle. A high-end garage would use expensive products, whereas an average workshop would rely on inexpensive products. Hence, the price difference.



Wrap Up

This concludes our article. We are confident that you found the above blog post informative and interesting. Remember to share the post with friends and family. Lastly, make sure to clean the car thoroughly before opting for a polish. Thank You.

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