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Geolandar H/T S G051

Yokohama Geolandar H/T S G051

لم يتم تقييمه بعد

The Yokohama Geolandar H/T-S G051 are All-Season tires developed for vans, pickup vans and sports utility vehicles. They evenly balance driving comfort with responsive control and traction under even light snow. The symmetric treat design is generated for supporting the requirement of lightweight highway driving under changing track and weather conditions.

السعر من

درهم 593.37 إلى درهم 593.37

ويشمل السعر مجهز بالكامل--ضريبة القيمة المضافة والتسليم، والمناسب، وموازنة والتخلص من إطارات السيارات القديمة الخاصة بك.

المواصفات و المميزات الخاصة بالمنتج Yokohama Geolandar H/T S G051

The Yokohama Geolandar H/T-S G051 are Highway tires featuring Dynamic Spring Control (DSC) Technology which toughens the sidewall near road contact but retains flexibility for the part farthest from road. This unique behavior allows them to retain rigidity near contact patch and at the same time promotes shock dampening and flexibility for adapting according to track. The tires integrate sharp cornering ability with their large shoulder blocks which add to its structural integrity and resistance to deformation under stress. The highly researched silica based tread compound maintains extended serviceable life and fuel efficiency. The lateral groves dig into snow for enhanced traction and the circumferential grooves disperse water for preventing chances of aquaplaning.

التقييمات والمراجعات

تقييم Yokohama Geolandar H/T S G051

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