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قم بإختيار وقت و ورشة التركيب
مع أكثر من 200 ورشه تركيب على مستوى البلاد ، يمكنك تركيب إطاراتك في مكان قريب منك ، و في الوقت الذي يناسبك.
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تركيب الاطارات
يتم تسليم الإطارات إلى ورشة التركيب المختاره في الوقت المحدد لتركيب الإطارات.
Cinturato P7

Pirelli Cinturato P7

The Pirelli Cinturato P7 are the perfect combination of comfort, handling control and road grip for luxury Touring vehicles. The functionality and manufacturing process for the All-Season Grand Touring tires are optimized to produce a minimal carbon footprint, which is certified through Pirelli's EcoImpact icon. The reliable traction under variable weather conditions, eco-friendly features and handling makes the tires perfect all-year round choice for luxury vehicles.

السعر من

درهم 334.15 إلى درهم 1,169.10

ويشمل السعر مجهز بالكامل--ضريبة القيمة المضافة والتسليم، والمناسب، وموازنة والتخلص من إطارات السيارات القديمة الخاصة بك.

المواصفات و المميزات الخاصة بالمنتج Pirelli Cinturato P7

The Pirelli Cinturato P7 is manufactured from a uniquely formulated tread compound with high concentration of silica infusion and low ratio of oil. This results in shorter braking distances for safety and greater fuel efficiency for cost savings. The tires provide reliable traction under wet, dry and light snow, owing to their asymmetrical tread pattern. Noise reduction is achieved through the numerous pitches and unique designing of the tread block dimensions. The sipes allow breaking water surface tension to directly make contact with road and the four wide circumferential grooves protect from aquaplaning by draining water from tread. The tire infrastructure is comprised of two steel belts which are wound by polyamide filaments. Sidewall design is optimized to reduce deformation under extreme stress of rapid acceleration, sudden braking and high speed driving.

التقييمات والمراجعات

تقييم Pirelli Cinturato P7

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