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تركيب الاطارات
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Grandtrek AT30 Touring

Dunlop Grandtrek AT30 Touring

لم يتم تقييمه بعد

“GRANDTREK AT30 TOURING” tires are tuned from AT30 for the better on-road performance with the benefit of AT30. It doesn’t compromise on-road performance and offers a comfortable ride on the highways. With these innovative technologies, we are proud to contribute to an improved overall fuel economy as well as enhanced off-road performance of the new Land Cruiser.

السعر من

درهم 759.21 إلى درهم 949.56

ويشمل السعر مجهز بالكامل--ضريبة القيمة المضافة والتسليم، والمناسب، وموازنة والتخلص من إطارات السيارات القديمة الخاصة بك.

المواصفات و المميزات الخاصة بالمنتج Dunlop Grandtrek AT30 Touring

DUNLOP “GRANDTREK AT30” and “GRANDTREK AT30 TOURING” tires to Toyota Motor Corporation for use as factory standard tires on their new “Land Cruiser” model, which goes on sale in the Middle East markets. The new Land Cruiser sustains the perfect off-road performance and reliability and meets the regulatory requirement for the environment. “GRANDTREK AT30 TOURING” tires are tuned from AT30 for the better on-road performance with the benefit of AT30. It doesn’t compromise on-road performance and offers a comfortable ride on the highways. With these innovative technologies, we are proud to contribute to an improved overall fuel economy as well as enhanced off-road performance of the new Land Cruiser.

التقييمات والمراجعات

تقييم Dunlop Grandtrek AT30 Touring

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